Call of Duty: Black Ops III (3) (PC) 312 NOK
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Treyarch, developer of the two most-played games in Call of Duty® history, returns withCall of Duty®: Black Ops III. For the first time with three-years of development, the revered, award-winning studio has created its first title for next-gen hardware in the critically acclaimed Black Ops series. Welcome to Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, a dark, twisted future where a new breed of Black Ops soldier emerges and the lines are blurred between our own humanity and the technology we created to stay ahead, in a world where cutting-edge military robotics define warfare. 

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 combines three unique game modes: Campaign, Multiplayer and Zombies, providing fans with the deepest and most ambitious Call of Duty ever. The Campaign has been designed as a co-op game that can be played with up to 4 players online or as a solo cinematic thrill-ride. Multiplayer will be the franchise’s deepest, most rewarding and most engaging to date, with new ways to rank up, customize, and gear up for battle. And Zombies delivers an all-new mind-blowing experience with its own dedicated narrative. Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 can be played entirely online, and for the first time each of the offerings has its own unique player XP and progression systems. The title ushers in an unprecedented level of innovation, including jaw-dropping environments, never before experienced weaponry and abilities, and the introduction of a new, improved fluid movement system. All of this is brought to life by advanced technology custom crafted for this title, including new AI and animation systems, and graphics that redefine the standards Call of Duty fans have come to expect from the critically-acclaimed series, with cutting edge lighting systems and visual effects.


Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 deploys its players into a future where bio-technology has enabled a new breed of Black Ops soldier. Players are now always on and always connected to the intelligence grid and their fellow operatives during battle. In a world more divided than ever, this elite squad consists of men and women who have enhanced their combat capabilities to fight faster, stronger, and smarter. Every soldier has to make difficult decisions and visit dark places in this engaging, gritty narrative.


Treyarch elevates the Call of Duty social gaming experience by delivering a campaign with the ability to play cooperatively with up to four players online, using the same battle-tested network infrastructure and social systems that support its world-class Multiplayer and Zombies game modes. Designed for co-op and re-playability, players encounter all the epic cinematic gameplay moments Call of Duty is known for delivering as well as new open-area arena-style gameplay elements designed to allow players to approach the game with a different strategy each time they play. And now, every player is completely customizable: from weapons and loadouts, to abilities and outfits, all with full progression systems and a personalized armory to show off accomplishments, providing a constantly-evolving campaign experience.


With Black Ops 3, Treyarch premieres a new momentum-based chained-movement system, allowing players to fluidly move through the environment with finesse, using controlled thrust jumps, slides, and mantling abilities in a multitude of combinations, all while maintaining complete control over your weapon at all times. Maps are designed from the ground-up for the new movement system, allowing players to be successful with traditional movement, as well as advanced tactics and maneuvers. 
Black Ops 3 multiplayer also introduces the new Specialist character system, which allows players to rank up and master each specific character’s battle-hardened capabilities and weapons. With this addition to Traditional and Weapons XP progressions systems, Black Ops 3 multiplayer gives players three different ways to rank up.


No Treyarch title would be complete without its signature Zombies offering – a full-game experience with its own distinct storyline right out of the box. Black Ops 3 Zombies is the most immersive and ambitious Call of Duty Zombies to date, with a full XP-based progression system for players that adds depth and re-playability to the engaging gameplay Zombies fans have come to expect. 


How does it work? Will I receive Call of Duty: Black Ops III (3) as a physical copy?

No, you will receive Call of Duty: Black Ops III (3) product key (Call of Duty: Black Ops III (3) CD Key), that you will receive by e-mail. Afterwards, you will need to use the Steam-platform to redeem your Call of Duty: Black Ops III (3) product key (Call of Duty: Black Ops III (3) CD Key), and you'll be ready to download, install and play Call of Duty: Black Ops III (3). You will receive a step-by-step guide on how to do this along with your purchase. It's easy as can be!

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Du får standard-udgaven af Call of Duty: Black Ops III (3).

Publisher Activision
Udvikler Treyarch
Platform PC
Multiplayer Ja
Release date 06-11-2015
System requirements MINIMUM: 
OS: Windows 7 64-Bit / Windows 8 64-Bit / Windows 8.1 64-Bit 
Processor: Intel® Core™ i3-530 @ 2.93 GHz / AMD Phenom™ II X4 810 @ 2.60 GHz 
Memory: 6 GB RAM 
Graphics: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 470 @ 1GB / ATI® Radeon™ HD 6970 @ 1GB 
DirectX: Version 11 
Network: Broadband Internet connection 
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
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Average customer rating:
Reviewed by: Christian P at 14-07-2017

Nu er det ikke en hemmelighed, at jeg nærmest kun spiller zombies og zombies er i hvertfald noget jeg ville anbefale, men ikke for nybegyndere. Den første bane (Shadows of evil) er ikke nybegynder vemlig!!! Banen byder på forskellige bossere og svære opgavere, men hvis du køber den nye dlc (Zombies Chronicles) ville du få nybegynder venlige baner!!! Zombies chronicles byder på 8 classiske baner fra Call of duty World at war, Call of duty Black ops, og Call of duty black ops II. Hvis vi går i multiplayer, har vi en massere baner, våben, attachments, character outfits og camoere, som jeg tror de fleste multiplayer players ville blive glade for!!!
Campaign jeg har ikke klaret campaign fordi, at jeg synes det blev for kedeligt!!! Historien greb mig ikke helt og missionerne greb mig heller ikke helt, men zombies err nok det bedste i det her spil!!!

Zombies - 4 stjerner ud af 5
Multiplayer - 3 stjerner ud af 5
campaign - 2stjerner ud af 5

Reviewed by: Mads L at 29-04-2017

Black ops3 er hele tiden udsolgt

Reviewed by: Kis Højlund at 15-11-2015

Helt fantastisk.....

For Ca. 15 minutter siden skulle jeg til at købe dette fantastiske spil! Men jeg kunne ikke finde min pung :(
Da jeg så kommer tilbage efter 5 minutter, ser jeg at det ikke er på lager, jeg må indrømme, jeg blev lidt muggen, men så trykker jeg på få besked når varen er på lager...
10 minutter senere (altså nu) får jeg en mail om at det er på lager igen, og så endda på en søndag!

Reviewed by: Jonas Kristensen at 10-11-2015

Multiplayer delen er superfed, god grafik, fede baner og fedt gameplay, men når det så er sagt, så er singleplayer delen med co-op godt nok kedelig og mangelfuld, det hele rodet og bestemt ikke til at finde hverken hoved eller hale i.
Godt spil, men jeg synes bestemt godt de kunne ha gjort mere ud af singleplayer delen.
